Become a Better Soccer Player by Avoiding Simple Mistakes
To become a better soccer player you need to develop your skills every day. However, you also need to know how to avoid making unnecessary mistakes while playing soccer. In this article I will present some common mistakes that you should try to avoid while participating in your regular soccer games.
Many professional soccer players tend to put themselves in difficult situations and you probably wonder why. Well, usually these players become too comfortable with their way of playing. For example, a full back that have played well during the whole game probably have his mind on some other place (if you consider that his team is having a 3-0 score with 5 min left of the game).
However, if he misses to mark an opponent and that opponent manage to score 3-1 then the opponents may have an advantage in the return game. This one is a simple example on how the brain of a soccer player actually works. Now, let’s take a look at common mistakes you can’t afford if you want to become a better soccer player;
Dribbling as the last man - This one is pretty obvious. Simply, never dribble while playing as the last man. If you lose the ball to one of your opponents you can be pretty sure that he will beat your goalkeeper and score. Instead, try to always play the ball simple and choose safe passing alternatives. If you feel that you don’t have anyone to pass the ball to, then kick it far away from you with a powerful cross.
Clear the ball safely - Try always to clear the ball far away as possible. I always prefer to kick the ball at least 40 yards away from my goal in order to have enough time to organize my defense and prepare for the upcoming attack.
Play the ball safely - Always try to pass the ball safely to a near standing teammate. With safely I mean that you should not try to execute some 40 yard crosses if you have at least two non marked teammates near you. That 40 yard cross will be lost in 99% of the case and your teammates will blame you for playing the ball without reflecting over the situation properly.
Don’t keep the ball too long at your feet - While playing soccer, you can’t expect that your opponents will let your receive the ball, gain control over it and then pass the ball safely to an teammate without having them attacking you. Simply, the faster you play the ball, the easier you will have to perform maximum on the soccer field. One rule you should have is to always play the ball on the first touch while being on your own side of the field.
Summary Things mentioned in this article are only few things among many others that you need to know in order to become a better soccer player and avoid mistakes in soccer. However, if you stick to things mentioned here I can ensure you that your mistakes on the field will decrease greatly.
