4v3 Attack vs. Defense
Since the attackers have the numerical advantage, they should learn how to exploit their advantage and finish with a shot on goal.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U10, U12, U14, U16. Run this soccer drill with at least 8 players but no more than 17. This soccer drill should last approximately 25 minutes on a 1/2 field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, goals, alternate jersey.
Soccer Drill Diagram
Set up a 30 X 30 grid with one side playing to goal. Coach assigns 3 defenders who wear an alternate jersey. The attackers begin with the ball. A keeper should be defending the goal
Instruct the players to exploit their numerical advantage and finish with a shot on goal. Attackers should move the ball looking for the open player and holes in the defense. The defenders should attempt to break-down the attack and will gain experience in how to cover a one-down situation. Defensive players should complete a pass to the coach to end the attack. The coach should then give the ball back to the attackers to build the attack again.
* Increase the number of attackers (or decrease the number of defenders) if scoring chances are infrequent.
* increase the number of defenders (or decrease the number of attackers) if scoring chances are too frequent
Coaching Points:
* iQuickly switch the point of attack to off-balance the defense.
* Play quick both physically (1 and 2 touch) and mentally (think ahead).
* Make sure the players are attacking at the appropriate times Defensive:
* Contain the play and keep the ball in front of the defense.
* Early pressure and do not allow space behind the defenders.
Technical Dribbling, Technical Passing, Technical Shooting, Technical Receiving, Technical Turning, Technical Deceptive Moves, Tactical Attacking, Tactical Support, Tactical Role of Striker, Tactical Role of Defender
