4 Goalkeeper Tips for Increased Perfomance
Here are 4 goalkeeper tips that will help you develop your game. Let’s start…
Don’t be afraid – While playing as goalkeeper you should never be afraid of your opponents, no matter how good they are. What you should do instead is to concentrate on your own game and. If you want to become good at goalkeeping and maybe even professional you can’t be afraid of your opponents. Keep in mind that they are humans too.
Focus maximum - One rule you should have is to always treat a soccer game like it was a Cup final. On this way you will be able to force yourself to always focus maximum. You can’t play at 70-80 % of your maximum level. Always try to do your best.
Study your opponents - One good way to find out what type of opponents you will face is to watch their games. You may for example:
- Try to locate their best player.
- How many goals did he score before this game?
- Is he shooting with boot feet?
- Does he prefer to shoot hard or place the ball with accuracy to the left or right?
Of course there are many other questions that need to be answered, however this strategy is not crucial for your performance. The most important thing is to concentrate on your own game and to perform maximum.
Know your weak sides - One of the most difficult things in soccer is to admit your weak sides. However, this will be very crucial if you want to develop your game. So, how can you spot your weak sides? One strategy is to ask your coach and tell him to be honest about what things you need to improve.
Some coaches may prefer to not reveal the whole true as they believe it will affect your performance negatively. However, without knowing your weak sides you will never be able to improve them. This is vital, especially if you are serious with your goalkeeper carrier.
Set up realizable goals - Bring a block and write down your goals for the upcoming season. Don’t set up unreal goals like saving every penalty (of course, you may save them all but chances are pretty small). Instead, focus on things that you know is more achievable. And one more thing; never give up no matter what!
