3 Step by Step Soccer Moves
Intro to step by step soccer moves
The following are three basic step by step soccer moves that I recommend you learn when playing soccer. Even if these moves are pretty basic the efficiency of them cannot be overemphasized enough (if you perform the moves correctly of course). One more thing I want you to be aware of is that you should never dribble on your own half of the field. If you lose the ball you can be pretty sure that the opponents will take advantage of that. Now, let’s check out the moves…
Fake Shoot
This move is very useful when you are near your opponent’s 18 yard box. The purpose is to make your opponents think that you will shoot and force them to slide tackle or throw themselves in front of the ball. Once your opponents are out of play you will usually finish the attack with a shoot (or pass to a better standing teammate). To perform a fake shoot you will basically need to do following:
1. Drive the ball forward.
2. Pull your kicking leg back and pretend as if you are going to shoot.
3. Once the opponent turns his back on you, accelerate past him and finish with a shoot (or pass).
4. If you are right footed I would recommend you first drive the ball slightly at the left, perform the move and then move the ball to the right by using the inside of your right foot.
This move is pretty efficient while you are approaching a standing still opponent. It is also one of the most basic soccer skills and it will not take you long time to master it. To perform it you will basically need to:
1. Drive the ball forward while running at high speed.
2. When you are 2 yards from the opponent slow down little and start to lunge left to the right.
3. Try to do at least 3 lunges (ex left-right-left) and then accelerate from your opponent.
4. Lunges can also be performed while you are standing still and facing your opponent 1vs1.
Stop and Go
This is the simplest soccer move ever but still very efficient if performed properly. The secret behind it is to make your opponent think that you are slowing down while you are actually planning to accelerate. Here is how to perform it:
1. Perform a quick run with the ball while having the opponent running at your left/right side.
2. Stop running and put the sole of your foot on the top of the ball.
3. Wait 1 second and then accelerate again as fast as possible.
One thing you should keep in mind is that you could get forced to perform several stop and go in a combo. It is not guaranteed that you will get rid of your opponent at the first stop. My advice is to perform 3-4 quick stops and accelerations to shake off your opponent.
If you can’t get around your opponent with the above mentioned moves there are generally 2 explanations. The first one is that you are not performing the move at right time. The second one is that the defender is very skillful and able to predict what you are planning to do. The best way to practice on your moves is to use them during your games. Don’t be afraid of losing the ball because only on that way you will be able to learn from your mistakes.
