


Coping with Aerial Bombardment

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A great way to put your defenders under pressure at training is to get your players to bombard your best three defenders with high balls into the penalty area so they are constantly having to clear th READ MORE

The Only Time to Dive

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The first goal that really made me sit up and think soccer was the best game in the world was a diving header. Back in 1972 Leeds United beat Arsenal in the FA Cup final when Alan Clarke scored with o READ MORE

Have Fun With Headers and Build Player Confidence

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Players shouldn’t be scared of heading a soccer ball. You need to get them used to doing it and build up their confidence so they can do it in matches. Don’t spend too long on it, but do make it fun, READ MORE

Take the fear out of heading

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Lots of kids don't like heading the ball - but there's a surefire way of helping them to overcome the fear factor. Play it safe As always safety is paramount, so... * Start heading sessio READ MORE

Heading a Soccer Ball in 4 steps

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First, you must be aware of that when heading a soccer ball the most important thing is to head the ball with the upper part of your forehead. It is very important to head the ball with this part of y READ MORE

The Glancing Header

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The glancing header is an important addition to any footballer’s arsenal of techniques, and works by slightly deflecting the ball, altering its trajectory only a little. A glancing header can be usefu READ MORE

Performing a diving header in soccer

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A diving header requires that you propel the body in the path of the ball. Your arms must be stretched forward to protect you from injuries when landing on the ground. Many soccer players find the div READ MORE

The Flick Header

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The flick header is a great method for passing the ball in tight situations. This heading technique is generally used inside your opponent’s 18 yard box and is great when you have one or more defender READ MORE

The Standard Header

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The most used heading technique in soccer is the standard header. Regardless of your position you will always need to use the standard or defensive heading (as it is called sometimes) technique in a s READ MORE

How to - Soccer Heading

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Soccer Heading - For some strange reason, it seems normal for us to control a moving object with our feet, but it's totally weird to do the same with our heads. What we need to understand is that neit READ MORE

Soccer Heading - The different ways & methods of heading a soccer ball

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In this section, we'll learn everything there is to know about soccer heading, from how you should hit the ball correctly, learning the different methods of heading the ball as well as analyzing the r READ MORE
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