


Soccer Weight Training Program

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In order to increase your overall strength I have created a simple soccer weight training program that you should print out and take with you to the health centre. This soccer weight training program READ MORE

How To Increase Your Soccer Power

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Having good soccer power is crucial and you will not come any far without it. In this article you will get tips on how to increase your soccer power while having fun. Let’s start… Performing runs READ MORE

Anaerobic Training in Soccer

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Anaerobic training in soccer involves intervals of intense activity and rest which is very specific to playing soccer. This type of training is also great for burning calories and decreasing your body READ MORE

Aerobic Soccer Training

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Aerobic soccer training will not only influence your endurance performance but also the ability to perform at maximum level. This type of training will show its value especially at the end of your tea READ MORE

How to increase your soccer stamina?

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Intro Soccer Stamina is important if you want to stay fit and avoid injuries. As a soccer player you need strength to be able to accelerate, spring and move quickly during a soccer game. Your stam READ MORE

How to develop your soccer speed

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An important part of your overall fitness is the soccer speed. Thus speed training will increase the skill at which you can perform on the field. A fast runner is very useful during a contra attack READ MORE

Sit-Ups For Soccer

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Performing sit-ups is a good way for getting stronger abdominal muscles. This part of muscles is crucial for your soccer game. You will for example be able to win more duels, run faster and also decre READ MORE

4 Basic Exercises That Will Improve Your Fitness For Football

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Fitness for football is an important part of your overall football game. In this article I will present some exercises that you can use to prepare yourself for the upcoming season. Keep in mind that y READ MORE

How to Do Push ups for Soccer

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Knowing how to do push ups is an important part of your soccer fitness. One common question is how many push ups you need to do in order to benefit maximum from it. Well, this question is pretty hard READ MORE

Psychology For Soccer - How To Improve Your Perfomance?

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You probably know that playing soccer requires both mental and physical abilities. Even if you have the best ball skills, it will not be worth any much if you fail to perform well under pressure. Lear READ MORE

Learn How To Perform Maximum During Your Soccer Match

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In this article I will give you some tips for what measurements you can take in order to perform maximum during your soccer match. Performing well in a soccer game can mean a ticket to a professional READ MORE

Soccer Conditioning Program for 5 Weeks

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The following is a soccer conditioning program that can be used for all prospective soccer players. This soccer conditioning program will increase your physical abilities in order to perform maximum o READ MORE

Preseason Soccer Training – How to benefit maximum from it?

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Have you ever wondered why preseason soccer training is so important? Well, believe me I have asked myself this question thousands of times while running around in cold and snowing weather. However, a READ MORE

Soccer Strength Phases

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Breaking your training into soccer strength phases is an important part of your overall fitness. In this guide I will give you an example on how to break your soccer season into 4 main phases. Let’s s READ MORE

How to become more resistant against a soccer injury?

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Many studies have shown that if you are involved in soccer you will be healthier both mentally and physically. There are a lot of reasons for this and one of the main is that you will become more moti READ MORE

Soccer Tips For Better Rest

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In this article you will get free soccer tips on how to revive your body faster and increase your performance on the field. Let’s start… In order to perform well during your practice and games it i READ MORE

How to Avoid Cramping During Your Soccer Practice

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During your soccer practice you will soon or later experience cramping thought your body. Cramps are often a type of condition that usually comes and goes quickly. However, the pain that you may exper READ MORE

Soccer Stretching and The Importance of Your Calf Muscles

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Soccer Stretching is the best injury preventing method for your legs. The most vital muscles you will need to stretch out are your calf muscles. However, these muscles are pretty easy to stretch and w READ MORE

Soccer Circuit Training Program

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Intro to soccer circuit training In this guide I will present 10 basic exercises for soccer circuit training. You may print them out and have them as a checklist while practicing. Let’s start… Squ READ MORE

Speed Training For Soccer - Mistakes You Should Avoid

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This article discusses mistakes you should avoid while participating in your speed training for soccer. Keep in mind that leaving out any of these points will decrease your performance on the field. READ MORE

Soccer Training Conditioning Tips

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There are many ways that soccer training and conditioning can be adapted together. In this article I have collected some of my personal conditioning methods for training. Let’s start… Snow Running READ MORE

Soccer Conditioning – Why is it important?

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Intro to soccer conditioning If you think that soccer is just about being skillful with the ball then you are wrong. A good soccer player is the result of many years hard practice. One of the most im READ MORE

Circuit Soccer Training

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Circuit soccer training is an intensive form of fitness training in which you execute a group of exercises one after the other. The important thing is to keep in mind that each of these exercises need READ MORE

Tips for Soccer Speed Training

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There are 4 important things that you need to work on during your soccer speed training to improve your overall soccer speed. Let’s start by looking at the first one Involving strength and power in READ MORE

Different Types of Soccer Warm Ups

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Intro to types of soccer warm ups A warm up is the most important part of your training session or game. A warm up should start slowly and gradually involve all your muscles to prepare for physical READ MORE

Soccer Agility Training

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Good soccer agility is vital if you wantto become a successful soccer player. Complex movements on the field such as passing, dribbling, turning etc all requires good agility levels. Agility refers READ MORE

Soccer Fitness Training Parts

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Soccer fitness training can be divided into 8 parts. Each of these parts is crucial for your overall fitness training. Leaving out any of these will decrease your soccer performance. It is therefore i READ MORE

Warm Up in Soccer

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Warm up in soccer is the way of preparing your body for physical activity. When playing soccer you have to tell your body on some way to prepare for physical training and this is where warm up in socc READ MORE

Soccer Weight Training

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Soccer weight training means increasing your overall strength rather than building maximum muscle mass. The purpose with your soccer training is to have muscles that are strong, fast and also that hav READ MORE

Soccer Strength Training Types

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Intro to soccer strength training In the game of soccer you will need a pretty good lower body to kick, jump and to make explosive starts. However, you will also need good upper body strength for t READ MORE

Beep Test in Soccer

Votes:28 Comments:0
The beep test is used to estimate your maximum VO2 Max uptake (aka oxygen uptake). This test is great for monitoring your overall running abilities and that is why it is so popular in the world of soc READ MORE

Tips for Soccer Endurance Training

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Soccer is a sport that shares much in common with long distance running (marathon) comparing to other sports (ex: hockey and squash). In a regular soccer match you will approximately have the ball at READ MORE

What is soccer fitness?

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Good soccer fitness levels are the backbone of every soccer player. Simply, without good fitness levels your performance on the field will not be any good. Good fitness will also protect you from many READ MORE
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