Receiving the Ball - How To
Receiving the ball is not so complicated as you may think. After few practice sessions you will have pretty solid receiving skills. But, try to receive the ball having an opponent back on you doing everything he/she can to steal the ball from you and it suddenly becomes pretty difficult. Don’t you agree?

The reason for why it is harder to receive the ball while being under pressure is that your brain needs to concentrate on two things at the same time. Besides watching out for where your opponent is you need also to receive the ball and do something useful with it.

So, how can you increase your receiving skills? You can start by studying professional soccer players either on TV or LIVE. You should not study a fullback if you are playing as forward. It will improve your game in offense buy it will surely not improve your abilities in defense.

Second thing you can do is to practice more. If you feel that receiving is something difficult try to practice longer and harder. While performing receiving drills on your regular practice, your focus on them should be 100%. Don’t walk around and talk with your teammates during your practice. You will not only lose focus on the drill but your coach may get angry and send you off the field.

Third way to improve you receiving skills is to practice alone. The only thing you will need is a ball, a piece of ground and a wall. Many great soccer players have gain their tremendous receiving skills by kicking the ball against a wall. This is a great drill and the wall will never complain and you will be able to practice on different methods of receiving (chest, inside of the foot, outside of the foot etc).

Keep in mind that you will not become a good soccer player over a night. You need to practice, practice and practice again. If someone told you that you can become a good soccer player without practicing then that person is a liar. Always try to perform better and don’t be satisfied if you have been voted as the player of the match. Try instead to be it next game 2. Good Luck
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