


Head injuries in Soccer, just a Myth or?

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Head injuries in soccer are probably the most discussed myth in soccer. There has been studies’ claiming that if you frequently hit a ball using your head you may get head injuries and lower intellige READ MORE

8 Tips For Preventing Soccer Injuries

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Preventing soccer injuries can be little tricky, especially if you are new to soccer. However, in this article I will give you 8 tips on what you can do in order to protect yourself better. Now, let’s READ MORE

Wrist Sprain in Soccer

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What is actually a wrist sprain? A wrist strain often occurs when your stretch the ligaments of your wrist beyond their limits. The ligaments are used to stabilize your hand and also to allow you to READ MORE

Knee Sprain Treatment with R.I.C.E method

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Intro to Knee Sprain Treatment A knee sprain is an injury to your knee ligament. This type of injury may vary in severity from a slight stretch to a complete tear of your ligament. There are generall READ MORE

Foot Sprain in Soccer

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This is a common soccer injury that overstretches one or more ligaments in your foot. The strain will also affect your muscles or tendons. Symptoms of a foot sprain include following: • Pain while READ MORE

Avoid Sunburn During Hot and Warm Soccer Weather

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Preventing Sunburn during hot and warm soccer weather will expose you to strong sun which could lead to sunburn. This is especially true if you have fair skin. Sunburn may occur pretty fast, but the r READ MORE

Soccer Injuries and How To Activate Yourself During Them

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Many soccer players think that soccer injuries are equal with walking around with a pair of crutches. Well, in some case this may be true, but I know by experience that there are always things you can READ MORE

Soccer Injury Statistics

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Intro to soccer injury statistics In this article I will present some interesting soccer injury statistics that you may find interesting. As you probably already know, soccer is increasingly becoming READ MORE

Common Injuries in Soccer

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Intro to common injuries in soccer Several studies about soccer injuries have proved that proper warm up and rest is crucial in order to avoid serious soccer injuries. In this article I will outline READ MORE

Worst Soccer Injuries

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In this article, I will present some of the worst soccer injuries you can face as a soccer player. However, I want you to keep in mind that playing soccer is not innately more dangerous than playing o READ MORE

Causes of Soccer Injuries

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Have you ever asked yourself the following question: What are the main causes of soccer injuries? Don’t worry, you are not alone. I used to reflect over this issue a lot of times. However, while worki READ MORE

Ankle Sprain Symptoms for Soccer Players

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Intro to ankle sprain symptoms An ankle sprain injury is caused by tearing the ligaments of your ankle. This type of injury can be hard to get rid of especially if it becomes chronic. My own experien READ MORE

What is a sprain injury?

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Intro to what is a sprain So, what is a sprain actually? Well, a sprain is an injury which generally occurs to your ligaments. This injury is usually caused by a sudden overstretching where your liga READ MORE

Soccer Ankle Injury Treatment

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In this article I will present some general tips on soccer ankle injury treatment. But, before you start to use these tips I want you to remember following: You should never diagnose an injury by your READ MORE

Soccer Related Injuries Guide

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Intro to Soccer Related Injuries Soccer injuries are pretty hard to avoid because soccer is a collision sport and injuries do occur sometimes. However, increased knowledge about soccer injuries will READ MORE
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